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Log 1
Items of Interest:
One black diamond, bestows magic upon its wielder, contains an etched sigil.

People of Interest:
One Gnome named Wimble, possessing the black diamond.
One Person of Shadowy and Indistinct Race named Alexis, who shot and then apologized to Vermis.
One half-elf named Xolkin, possessing a flying snake, is member of the Black Network.
One elf named Rond Arrowhome, leading a troupe of elves.
One Ex Storm Giant named Zephyros, possessing a large travelling cloud tower.

Facts of Interest:
The Gnome that possesses the diamond claims to have found it in Nightstone, but cannot recall any details.
Nightstone is mostly destroyed.
Xolkin is romantically interested in another member of his Network and is therefore unavailable and also a jerk.
Rond is related to Xolkin and has a dislike for orcs and a disinterest in most others.
My business card supply must be replenished.
I plan to further investigate the ex storm giant Zephyros to learn more of his interesting condition. He seems to suffer some sort of debilitating condition in which his mind is operating in a reduced capacity. He has trouble retaining new information and additionally struggles to hold on to past memories. Through rituals, he has lost nearly all of his old body and replaced it bit by bit with mechanical replicas. It seems the skull is the only remaining organic piece. The whole mechanical body seems to be powered by some sort of green blood originating from the feywilds, which he is unable to acknowledge.
I believe I may be able to tinker with his chassis to gain a better understanding of his condition. His willingness to help me us may prove useful if he can better control his thoughts.
I theorize that with a better powered and adapted body, in addition to some magical boosts to his brain (or, whatever he has that functions as his brain,) he may regain at least some of his lost mental function.
As I stand now, I am unsure if I have the ability to complete this task, but if nothing else, an attempt will provide great experience for one day creating bodies for new life. After all, if I can transfer existing life into a new body, I will know for certain that such bodies are indeed suitable for life. If I fail, I should at least be able to gather knowledge on how to improve my design in the future.
The Body:
His current body seems to be simple metal facsimiles of the body he likely had before, powered by this green blood of the feywilds. He also understands both gnomeish and elvish, which is likely from this blood. I am unsure if it is wise to continue using it, but as it is clearly so fully integrated into his current system, it may be detrimental to remove it. As such, the new body should remain at least partially powered by this substance.
I believe if I create a new body that uses this blood a bit more efficiently, I will also have room to provide a more stable, worldly fuel. Currently, this blood circulates through the metal chassis and seems to act as blood, heart, and possibly most organs. By providing false organs that function closer to how a giant's actual organs would, I may make progress in returning the giant's normal, healthy function.
For this, I will have to learn more about giant anatomy.
Additionally, it may be smart to provide the giant with an actual brain. I am unsure what currently resides in the skull, but if I can transfer the 'energy' into a more worldly, accurate mechanical brain, I may be able to assist in the thought process of the giant and facilitate coherent memory recall and record.
My main concern is that it will be necessary to downgrade the giant's size. I am certain I do not have the ability to build an accurate scale body; as such, I will have to scale down organs and condense to the best of my ability. I am uncertain how to keep the original skull in this manner. More research required.
There are several magical 'ingredients' and items I believe will be beneficial in creating this body.
First, I will need an item to boost intelligence. Hopefully this will facilitate improved memory function. There are several possible items to fill this role; Headband of Intellect, for example.
Second, I will need a gem to function as the central 'power' of the body. I have two garnets that may serve this purpose with proper enchanting.
Third, I need some sort of 'converter' or adaption process to hold and facilitate this feywild blood. Ideally, something that will minimize the giant's reliance on this substance.
The largest barrier with creating this body will likely be knowledge of giant anatomy. I theorize it must be similar to human physiology; perhaps it is just 'sized up.' I can start my research by learning human biology, whether this be by dissection, book research, or... "field research."